MYTH BUSTERS – Revisited 11/5/21


Columns from:    March 3, 2017, January 7, 2019 –  Revisited 11/5/21

Since this Obiden administration has made climate change it’s top priority (49 billion in his new budget for something we cannot do anything about) and not on anything really important or something we could control… like energy, illegal immigration, terrorism from terrorist nations like Iran and now the Obiden created, Afghanistan Terrorist State or threats from…China and Russia…I just must intervene again…

Before reading these excerpts, keep in mind these facts… that are accepted by over 90% of real scientists and unscientific humans… the Earth was formed by a combination of molting liquids and gases ABOUT 5 billion years ago (a few even say 15 billion) and has been evolving, cooling ever since.

The center of the Earth is still evolving, cooling and a very hot combination of molting liquids and gases which regularly visit the Earth’s surface, as molting lava, in the form of “volcanoes”. In my humble opinion and in general… in order for something to “warm” (undefined), it must have cooled to its lowest capable temperature (also, undefined)! To be exact, one must “define” the “undefined”.  However, that is way beyond the ability of mere mortal man! So that means nothing we read, hear, or talk about regarding climate change or global warming is anything other than “opinion and supposition and not on any reliable scientific facts”, but is based upon a “sample” that is so minuscule that it is statistically, mathematically, irrelevant and useless… except when Democrats talk about Global Warming!!!

To further emphasize my point…consider these fatal tidbits that impact every prediction you can conceive from Al Gore to AOC and to all the other “expert” opinions you hear…!

The “means” to measure temperature wasn’t invented until 1714 by Daniel Fahrenheit with the Mercury Thermometer; a means to transport that thermometer to visit the “Globe” wasn’t available until about the 1960s; the interest and ability to go to those God awful places didn’t appear until about the 1970s and to find enough people, dumb enough to go there trickled in from maybe 1980s to now!?

So, at MOST… we are looking at a sample of temperatures taken over a 50 year period and using that sample to predict Global Warming (for planet Earth that is 4-15 billion years old) …using that 50 year sample to conclude if the moon is really made of Swiss cheese would be more reliable than trying to predict global warming or climate change!

Then taking those “results” and spending trillions of dollars, to control “it”, when nobody human even knows, what is the “it”? That’s as irresponsible as opening our border, or killing our energy independence and then blaming fossil fuel use for Global Warming!!!

There is no real scientist on Earth who could use a 50 year sample and predict ANYTHING about climate change…that they roll into Global Warming…when nobody knows if that even exists more so than Global Cooling?!!!

I wrote many columns on this topic and produced a comprehensive article early last year. Here are some excerpts…

After attending an Engineering College and receiving a degree in Metallurgy and minoring in Chemistry… I became an FBI Agent, under their science program.

By the 1970s, the US was in serious pollution trouble. Most states had factories and waste products. Those were the days that “dilution was the solution to pollution”…dump it in the lake! We desperately needed an Environmental Protection Agency and Federal Laws. On 12-2-70, President Richard Nixon, created the EPA by EO and directed the FBI to be the lead investigative Agency… I attended EPA schools… to learn the laws and then to train other investigators. Congress passed numerous Hazardous Waste laws referred to as the big 8 laws: RECRA, CIRCLA, CLEAN AIR, CLEAN WATER, TSCA and many more. I worked very closely with the NY Dept of Conservation (DEC) as they were… the “EPA” …in NY and also enforced the EPA regulations. There was virtually no EPA presence in NY in the late 1970s! DEC and the FBI, did their job then and probably does now!

We investigated illegal dumping of “toxic” waste and I drew up several Search Warrants and obtained the first “Federal” Conviction for Environmental Crimes in western NY and closed a Hazardous Waste Disposal Facility. I drew up the affidavits, the AUSA drew up the warrants and we executed them. For many years the EPA provided an essential service HOWEVER things …changed! We even executed a Search Warrant on the West Valley Nuclear Cleanup site and I was happy to report that the contractors on site were performing well above the safety requirements and laws and all the allegations from concerned citizens proved to be incorrect!!

Obama began using the EPA as a law making agency instead of a regulatory agency, using his attack on fossil fuels as his cannon, when his Democrat Congress refused to pass “Cap and Trade”. Cap and Trade is a permit to pollute as long as you pay! Under Obama, the EPA was doing more harm to our economy than good for the environment! They over regulated to the point that they made doing business in the US too expensive for manufacturers who produce waste and CO2, which is all manufacturers.

Under Obama, they chased our jobs to 3rd world countries that have NO EPAs, NO hazardous waste laws, NO “lead paint” law, NO OSHA laws, NO labor laws…so we are buying products, made in countries that violate everything we spent billions to clean up, and at  the expense of our work force and THE ENVIRONMENT !!!!!

That’s insane to say the least but it has been proven to be the way Democrat leaders like, Schumer, Pelosi, Obama and Gore think…

Now 2021…Obiden is going to spend 49 Billion to STOP Climate Change…NOT…he’ll have more success trying to stop Planet Earth from spinning on its own axis…Scientists realize that the 49 Billion is going towards this administrations attempts to bankrupt and “to Change America”…part of Obama’s plans, like he said so many time…”fundament changes to our Constitutional Republic”!


These are some of the…FACTS about CO2 and its value to mankind… you won’t hear from the likes of Obama…a guy who now opposes a wall to keep you and me safe but has a wall around his new WDC home! Think about that for a while!

Carbon dioxide is essential for life; food and oxygen!

Trees and plant life require a MINIMUM CO2 of 180 to 200 ppm, by volume, to SURVIVE. Anything less and they die and so will you!

Current CO2 concentrations in our atmosphere are about 340ppm!

Ideal CO2 for plant life and you is between 1000 to 2000 ppm !

Plant life in the USA is currently “starving” for CO2 and CO2 emissions MUST be “increased” to at least 1000ppm and not decreased anymore!!!!

If you enclose and seal a green house, the CO2 concentration will diminish to almost zero and all plant life will die without CO2!

If you pump CO2 into that same greenhouse from burnt coal or ANY fossil fuel, the plant life will flourish! So if your plants are dying in your green house, introduce CO2!

Scientists have no idea what impact CO2, produced by man, has on the Earth’s climate, except that it’s essential!

“Excess” CO2 falls into the Oceans, increasing Ocean plant growth…it follows an unexplained, “Mother Nature” balance, between CO2, our atmosphere and our Oceans…that Scientist have NOT been able to figure out!!

There is no scientific information or studies that prove anything… regarding the impact man made carbon dioxide…has on the Earth’s climate other than it’s essential for life…period!


God blessed America with an abundance of Natural resources from trees and fresh water to Natural Gas (enough to power the entire US indefinitely), coal (enough to power America for a hundred years at least), oil (more than all OPEC combined), Uranium, Gold, Silver, you name it we got it, BUT we aren’t using it wisely!!! Here are some ideas;

We have the safest most technologically advanced Nuclear power plants in the world. They are the cleanest and most efficient power plants, next to hydro.

We have the LARGEST oil discoveries in the world and more oil than all OPEC combined! The largest is the Green River Reserve… in Colorado, and after 3,000 test wells, by President Bush in 2005, and according to government sources, has enough “usable” oil to provide all America’s needs, by itself, for over 100 years. The second is the Bakkan in Williston, North Dakota with estimates of maybe 20 billion barrels (50 years’ worth also). It went from zero to 1.25 million barrels a day in a year and a half!  Prudhoe Bay, Alaska is the largest “producing” oil reserve in the US!

Note…Obiden stopped the entire Colorado operations…killed the Keystone Pipeline that moved the oil to refineries and caused cutbacks to Bakkan drilling.. causing us to BUY instead of SELL oil to OPEC…allowing OPEC to raise price per barrel from as low as, less than $5 per barrel, during Trump days to over $125 per barrel now…and Obiden blames OPEC for the price increase Joe Obiden, caused! In Obiden’s first 8 months, gas went from Trump’s $1.85 to todays $8.00 in the left State! Jos Obiden is a total, lying piece of excrement!


KEEP IT IN THE GROUND…is a philosophy that has a basis imbedded in deceit, lies and unscientific data, like the UNIPCC Model (that Gore and associates always use) In 2015 NASA, said the UNIPCC studies and models for Global Warming , are useless. Gore predicted that the Glassiers would be gone by 2015!

Global Warming is all about MONEY! The US gives the UN 5 billion a year to study “Climate Change”. The UN created the IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on “Climate Change”. The IPCC decided to grant all 5 billion to Colleges with PHD scientists, who have no jobs after 8 years of College and no money, to “study” Global Warming. IF they agreed that there IS Global Warming and they will try to PROVE it, then they get a GRANT!  That is the premise the University MUST agree to in order to receive the IPCC Grant money… very scientific! Guess what? After 20 years of study and  100 billion in grants, not one single study has proven ANYTHING of value…if ,according to NASA, the IPCC models are USELESS, folks…USELESS…there’s no evidence of anything, Climate Change, Global Warming, or Global Cooling!!!! But let’s spend another 49 Billion in 2022!!!

So for 18 years they studied and made releases how the Earth is warming, Polar bears are dying …the Ice Caps and Glaciers are melting …all unchallenged until a few experts decided to check the RAW data… Heartland Institute looked at the IPCC temperature model which predicted temperatures and compared the predicted temperatures to the actual temperatures and found the model to be totally inaccurate. How bad?

Al Gore predicted that based upon the model, the Arctic Ice Cap and Glaciers would be gone by 2015!!! In fact, the temperatures over that 18 ½ year period actually went DOWN, 1 degree Celsius!

How bad? Some Colleges put the Thermometers, to study “Global Warming” , in fenced in areas (good) but on blacktop parking lots (brain dead stupid or corrupt?…very bad) !!! All temperatures were taken in the US but the study is called Global Warming?

NASA completed that study in 2015 that says the IPCC 18 year study is useless, not even close to accurate and their (NASA) study compared Antarctic Ice over a 10,000 year period and found the “land mass” ice to be thicker, larger and colder than ever before. Also, Satellite photos of the Arctic Ice cap prove that all the Arctic Ice that melted over a 10 year period (due to Global Warming, and Al Gore-ites) regained all that was melted …in a one year period, from 2012 to 2013 … regaining 1 million square miles of new ice… in one year!! Get this; some geniuses who believe in Global Warming versus Climate Change, even claimed that the freezing of one million miles of ice in one year was due to …Global Warming, as well!!

John Coleman, creator of The Weather Channel, also did a study on Polar Bears and found that their population is greater now than since they started keeping records!

On 2-4 &5-17, the Daily Mail (a UK Paper) reported that John Bates a high-level whistleblower has told this newspaper that “America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) breached its own rules on scientific integrity when it published the sensational but flawed report, aimed at making the maximum possible impact on world leaders including Barack Obama and David Cameron at the UN climate conference in Paris in 2015”.

WHY? It’s all about money. Saudi Arabia sells the US oil, why wouldn’t they want to lobby against US oil production? I would feel very safe saying that ANY politician who says there is Global Warming is making LOTS of money from lobbyists or has some other scam working. For example, how much was Barack Obama paid to push for debunked/bankrupt Solyndra to receive grant money or maybe a “reward” besides the 1.5 million they donated to Obama’s campaign? What did he get from the $418,000 he gave them, 4 months before they filed for bankruptcy?

How about this…a sitting US President (Obama), attempts to convince people that there is a fossil fuel scare and Solar is the only way to go. Obama pushes a new solar company as a great investment and tells you it’s the energy of the future. Invest heavy and when you know it will crash, sell! How did Obama go from a Net Worth of $200k in 2008 and 8 years later leave office with a NW of over 10 Mil?

Like I said, it’s a scam, it’s not true, the facts do not prove there is GLOBAL WARMING nor COOLING caused by anything definite or anything man can do to change … THERE IS AND HAS BEEN  CLIMATE CHANGE  FOR 5 -15 BILLION YEARS!

CO2 emissions over a densely populated metropolis can impact health, smog, plant growth but will never impact the earths’ spin on its axis, glassier melting, or world temperatures, warming or cooling…and that’s a FACT!

Recently, Patrick Moore, the founding father of Greenpeace, came clean and exposed the fraud he and the left wing extremists pulled on the American people regarding CO2 , Global Warming and pollution for over 40 years. This will kill you…for all those years Moore was speaking out against fossil fuels and followed the Gore-ite  and IPCC philosophy and he was regarded as the authority by Greenpeace and other left wing, tree hugging groups. Now that he speaks the truth they call him a “paid consultant for the fossil fuel industry” and question his intelligence and integrity.

Understand that they were correct about how pollution was contaminating our air and water and the need for the “EPA” and Federal laws BUT that all ended. Humans cannot change the temperature of the world, melt glaciers or any of the other insane claims Greenpeace made, according to its founder!

Mr Moore also admitted that the Greenpeace ship with all its “sails” never used the sails and was powered by huge Detroit Diesel Electromotive engines that drove electric turbines!!!

Former scientists for the UN IPCC also came clean and admitted the fraud, inaccuracies and lies that were told by the IPCC to influence Global Warming nonsense.

Fact check what I write to satisfy yourself. Many scientists from the Heartland Institute, noted meteorologists like John Coleman, scientists who worked on the IPCC Models and many other sources …including our own NASA have ALL stated that the UN IPCC model on Global Warming ,their “big” source, that they always refer to …is a fraud!