To all my readers…there are over 2 million of you…you MUST do all you can to spread the word, near and far that we CANNOT allow Barack HUSSEIN Obama to pull another coup, another fraud, another act of Treason…and turn this country into the Muslim Nation, that he is successfully doing…just in case you still fail to accept reality! A radical Islamic nation is what he wants and has been and will always want to rule!
The ONLY way to overcome the unlawful ballot stuffing, dead man votes and worst of all, computer tampering, is to “SPOT AUDIT” during the election, without interfering. They won’t do that. But overwhelming the votes with 100% Republican votes is up to you. Do you want an Islamic, Muslim nation or our Constitutional Republic? It’s up to you and no one else!!! That will be our, yours and mine only chance of survival.
From the President, to the House and Senate, and every local Attorney General, Judge, District Attorney…every position, we can flip, must be changed to Republican. George Soros should be charged with Election Interference and stripped of his US Citizenship…violation of his Oath to Citizenship in the United States …reportedly… over 200 such legal positions, like New York’s AG, Chicago’s former Mayor Lightbrain and 198 more! Why? To overthrow your country, what other reason would anyone want all our law enforcement to be Radical Left…ignoring the Constitution for due process, the right to bear arms, the unalienable right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness? Hmmm?
Why did Hussein Obama and Soros, go after law enforcement positions…? The same reason I advised President Trump after his 2015 election victory, to fire every single DOJ Attorney, no matter what their affiliation, how long have most been there… as they were mostly picked by Eric Holder in one way or another…mostly scoundrels who would rather put lawmen in jail and let the garbage roam the streets…EXACTLY what they are doing…isn’t it?! I also said he should fire FBI Director Comey!!! Once they are fired, then I recommended he bring in people like J Christian Adams and Troy Gowdy and other competent Republicans attorneys to help take back our Country. Understand, if you control the law, you control everything. That is why Obama/Soros did what they did/are doing, my opinion. So we need honest people in those positions…do you believe AG Merrick Garland is honest…that he treats ALL citizens equally and provides due process…how about former President Trump?
How about Hunter Biden? Get real…! Did Garland charge Obiden’s Vice President with Criminal Negligence, Insubordination, Dereliction of Duty, Sabotage, Failure to enforce Existing Immigration and Naturalization laws, Sedition, Failure to Honor Her Oath of office…pick a few criminal acts. Didn’t Obiden direct her, VP Harris to “Take Charge” of the Border? Well …did she, Mr. AG Garland? Garland should be impeached and charged with Criminal Negligence, Sedition, Treason, himself. Is he not complicit by allowing Obama to overthrow our country? In my opinion, he is responsible for violation of our election laws by the removal of Obiden, replacement of Harris, as the Democrap Candidate…I don’t believe…I may be wrong, but can they…he …anybody, just do that? I thought we had a Constitutional procedure to vote on candidates…was that done? Hell no you say… ?
I recommended President Trump to NOT appoint Jeff Sessions as AG for 2 reasons; we could not afford to lose a Senate seat and he is NOT strong…in any way, shape or form! Had President Trump fired Comey and not appointed Sessions’, just those two recommendations…without all the other recommendations I made …none of the BAD things he has endured, both as President and after…would have ever happened.
You disbelievers do not understand how serious things are! First of all…why are all these bad things happening? Why is such a rich and smart country in the “shitter”? One man, 3 words …Barack Hussein Obama…once you understand the man is a fraud…he is NOT Christian, he’s a Radical, Islamic, Muslim…a devout ENEMY of all Christians and the rest of the entire non-Muslim, world!!! He has pulled the biggest scam this world has ever seen…and you are too DUMB to realize it. Look at what your grandchildren and your own children are being taught in grades K-12 and then college. You don’t know …? Well you had better find out… but that is NOT your biggest problem. Listen… you are about to lose the US dollar. Along with your livelihood…seeing some empty shelves in ALL your stores are you?Are food and all other necessary goods more expensive, smaller size and less in number for the buck? Seeing scum on the streets no matter where you live? Afraid to leave your house?
YOU ARE SEEING THE EVIDENCE BEFORE YOUR OWN EYES AND WON’T BELIEVE IT, well for Christ’s sake and all our sakes …RECOGNIZE IT? If you don’t, then you are either deaf, blind, dumb or all of the above. Nothing to do with opinions…your Democraps are responsible for the things that are causing your demise!
Democraps and Democraps alone made war on fossil fuels, they alone are convincing you that open Borders are good…you mean you disagree? Well dummy, you better do something and do it by voting to get rid of those who want ZERO CO2 emissions BECAUSE HUMANS CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT CO2 and FOSSIL FUELS and anybody who says different is dumb as a brick! I can’t be any clearer!
Paying $100 to fill your diesel pick up and not much less for your car? How come you paid $1.87 in Trump’s last year, when we filled our extra diesel tanks?
But you DO NOT UNDERSTAND what’s coming. Hussein Obama and many of Bidens family have interests in foreign countries. Which one’s…you ask? Almost all of our enemies…Russia, China, Iran…hell, some of these scoundrels have FREAKING China foreign Agents driving them around. Congressman Swallow and Governor Hochul come to mind. Some have even married into Iranian, Chinese and Russian oligarchy, families without vetting their own wives, I’ll bet.
Of course the above is all my opinion which is formed, in part, by many years as an Agent of the FBI…a very Active Agent…who made many more arrests, recoveries, convictions than the entire FBI Division, Buffalo, consistently. That’s a fact, to which my many accommodations attest … but that doesn’t explain why “you” should know what’s going on under your nose, or is it?
If seeing, with your own freaking eyes, how bad your Democrap , NON-Leaders are pushing us into war; if you don’t understand why, when Obama/Biden stopped millions of barrels of oil from being drilled, transported and processed for fuels, if you cannot find ONE SINGLE REASON why these morons would open your Borders; if you don’t wake up and turn this country back to “right side up”… our Constitutional Republic will be gone, along with…every dollar you have to your name; private ownership of property, businesses, 2,3,4 cars; guns, cabin in the country…and on and on!
If you, yes YOU…don’t fight, with your vote, for your unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…there won’t be any…my opinion and I’m sticking to it!
Vote for PRESIDENT TRUMP …VOTE REPUBLICAN no matter how much you like or hate that person…because IF YOU DON’T, YOU’LL NEVER HAVE A RIGHT TO CHOOSE AGAIN!