T18S115 USC (b)… threatens to assault, kidnap, or murder, (cause harm to) a United States official, a United States judge, a Federal law enforcement officer, or an official whose killing would be a crime under such section, with intent to impede, intimidate, or interfere with such official, judge, or law enforcement officer while engaged in the performance of official duties, or with intent to retaliate against such official, judge, or law enforcement officer on account of the performance of official duties, shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).
In Senator Schumer’s diatribe he threatened to do something undefined to two Supreme Court Justices to interfere with their lawful duty to interpret the Constitution and enforce our Rule of law. I don’t believe his threat is to take them to a substandard fast food restaurant nor was it to “cast a spell on you”.
His implied threat was to cause some form of harm…to do something to intimidate two Justices (all 9 Justices) to succumb to Schumer’s superior mental capacity, to rule how “Schumer” believes the Supreme Court rule! His threat to cause harm is, in my humble opinion, a judicial assumption!
Here we go again Mr. Attorney General Barr…is it your opinion that he didn’t “mean” what he said and you “forgive him” or are you going to bring it to a Federal Grand Jury as the Federal Rules of Criminal procedure require and ask them to decide…outside of the Federal District of Columbia (the swamp), of course!
Let’s think about this for a second, Mr. AG…did the House misinterpret what our President said to the Ukraine President when they took an honest conversation and made it into what they said is evil, criminal and an Impeachable offense? We have an Amendment to the Constitution (14th) that demands that ALL citizens, not just Democrats, receive EQUAL justice!
We are still waiting to hear if you forgive former VP Joe Biden and his son for committing Hobbs Act -Extortion, Political Corruption, Wire Fraud, Mail Fraud and a host of other crimes. This guy is running for President of the United States …are you, Mr AG , going to ignore all the Probable Cause(PC) that Biden violated numerous, serious Federal laws even after a well-respected former US Attorney, Rudy Giuliani , says there is a paper trail and substantial evidence that Joe Biden is a “crook”, Rudy’s words and I agree! Do you really want to take the chance that this guy could be President?
Here’s a thought even worse than that…how about Hillary Clinton as his “VICE” President (with emphasis on VICE). In this case, the word VICE is extremely accurate…for SURE she would be in charge of VICE. That is up until Joe has an accident and opens the wrong door at 33,000 feet, on Air Force 1, looking for the men’s room, and falls 33,000 feet to his death, after all…everybody knows he is at the cusp of senile…AND our worst fears would be realized… Hillary Clinton becomes President!
Mr AG, do you really want to lay all that on America when it’s so very preventable…you need to do your job and not recues yourself like you seem to be doing by laying everything off to other Prosecutors… in WDC !