Democrats…You Really Need To Think About Your Country Before You Vote Again!
According to Live Science (, the last case of Bubonic Plague in California was 10 years ago, 2006, after a trip by a visitor from Georgia to Yellowstone. Today in Los Angeles alone, there are several cases of Bubonic Plague! In an interview yesterday with FOX NEWS Laura Ingraham, Dr. Drew Pinsky, who lives and practices medicine in LA said this:
“We have complete breakdown of the basic needs of civilization in Los Angeles right now. We have the three prongs of airborne diseases; tuberculosis is exploding, rodent fleas. We are one of the only major cities in the country that does not have a rodent control program. Sanitation has broken down. We had a typhus outbreak last summer and will likely have another this summer. I am hearing from experts that bubonic plague is likely already present in Los Angeles. It is already here. It will get onto the rat fleas. And then now, finally, we have this oral-fecal route contamination from people defecating on the street, which leads to typhoid fever. Three cases. One confirmed, probably three. This is unbelievable.
I can’t believe I live in a city where this is not Third World. This is medieval. Third world countries are insulted if they are accused of being like this. No city on earth tolerates this. The entire population is at risk. And God forbid its measles. This is a population that is sub optimally immunized. If measles gets in, I just have an image of myself on my knees in the gutter tending to people.”
He went on to say that the executives of Los Angeles should be charged with criminal negligence, arrested and jailed. In my opinion, he is 100% correct.
The “WHY” is as clear as the nose on your faces. Those of you who voted into office the inept, radicalized, agenda oriented likes of Hussein Obama, New York’s AOC and Jerry Nadler, Minnesota’s Ilhan Omar, Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib, Adam Schiff and Congressman Swallow from California, Maxine Waters from California, Nancy Pelosi from California and the rest of the Congress who OBVIOUSLY don’t give a s— about America ….only themselves. That is the “why” and “who” is responsible for the complete breakdown of our health system and border security!
Our border is overrun with disease ridden, uninoculated, Third World “refugees”, drug runners, human traffickers…all of which have overloaded the ability and capacity of our health system, border security, social service capabilities, and all those things we strived to improve. Your votes of Democrap leaders is going to kill many of your children and elderly parents. They are the most susceptible to communicable diseases like measles, mumps, chicken pox, small pox, typhoid, plague. Think about what you have done to yourselves and families by voting into office (local, state and federal) inept agenda obsessed, radical, Democrap leaders.
There are reasons why our forefathers created the Rule of Law that your elected Mayors, Governors and a previous President have disregarded, and you are seeing just the beginning of the consequences. There are consequences for welcoming criminals to take safe haven in your sanctuary cities and states. They bring with them all that goes along with “dirty” criminals! I believe, if Congress does not stop playing Pelosi games with our welfare, there may come a time when things will reach a “point of no return”. You may make that brilliant Congresswoman correct when she says the “world will end in 12 years”. Global warming, caused by man, will never end the world, but Bubonic Plague, and disease in general, almost did once and could again!
In my opinion, several of your choices will soon be charged with many criminal acts, for crimes of attempting to direct a Presidential election by Conspiring with Foreign Agents and when that Conspiracy failed, trying to destroy a duly elected President (Treason and Espionage). It will help, but that alone won’t stop the plague you started.
Close the border to illegal alien entry with a wall and security. Tell those morons you elected to stop playing politics with your kids’ lives!