First, they were Democrats, you remember… “The Democrat Party”? Then, because they couldn’t figure out what was wrong with their Party (psst…it’s the leaders, they’re assholes!), they changed their name to “The Democratic Party”. That didn’t work either…mainly because they couldn’t find any candidate who even tried to be honest. Every single one had some BS platform from free everything, to just a few free things, to the Hillary who cheated, lied about everything, even screwed her own party and stole the nomination from Sanders, who only lied about being a full blown Communist, so no harm there!!

Then yours truly came up with a very fitting name for the leaders…Democraps. Think about it for a minute!  If we define a Democrap as a Democrat “leader” who is a Socialist but says they’re not; who has been in Congress for years and you can’t name one single bill they got approved that benefitted anyone, (besides themselves) or named a structure; who tries to feed you crap and says it’s steak (for example, Walls Don’t Work but open Borders do) while they build 10 foot walls around their own house…that’s a Democrap!

A “Democrat” believes in our Constitution, Democraps don’t, but say they do, and in the next breath say, “We have to limit how much you make”?! Jeez, I think that’s pretty Commie stuff, don’t you! What they have is a Band of Thieves and Liars that form the most despicable and corrupt group of politicians we have ever seen. When they find irrefutable evidence that one of their own is corrupt, they circle the wagons, deny, talk louder, longer, don’t answer questions and accuse somebody else of doing the crime… “Trump colluded with the Russians”, when all along they knew Hillary did and NOT Trump.

They ran a candidate, Obama, who NEVER should have been allowed to be a President. Even if you believe he was born here, here’s a couple things that are indisputable…First, his current Social Security number belonged to someone else who is now deceased. It is his third Social Security number. Social Security ONLY issues or reissues the same number to the same person. When he dies, his number dies. Call and ask if you don’t believe me. They will only reissue a number to the person who lost their card! How and why did he have more than one number? Because he needed a Birth Certificate to get a SS number and he doesn’t have one. He tried to pass off a Certificate of Birth as his Birth Certificate…remember? Then a couple different Birth Certificates surfaced and were forensically proven to be complete fakes, forgeries, which, by the way, is a serious Felony and a Predicate Crime for a RICO violation (Racketeering)! So who was making these forgeries?  Well… who… and more importantly WHY? …because Obama wasn’t born here…dumb ass…that’s why! Who besides Obama would want a Birth Certificate for Obama besides him?!!

Obama was not born in the United States. I don’t know for certain where he was born, but I am POSITIVE it wasn’t the United States. So call me a Birther or whatever but I know evidence and the forensic evidence doesn’t lie.  Obama is a fraud, his Birth Certificates that HE put out there are forgeries, and his Social Security Numbers are frauds. So what the hell kind of President did you people elect? I’ll tell you…a fraud!

All that genius Romney had to do was to throw his Birth Certificate on the podium during the debates with Obama and say, “Here’s my Birth Certificate, Mr. President. Show the American people yours”, and the Gutless wonder would have been elected President instead of the Fraud. Think about that…Mitt Romney couldn’t beat a fraud and he takes shots at President Trump!

So, after putting up and getting a fraud elected, what was next…the Hillary. They figured that if they could get a complete fraud elected, they could get anybody they wanted elected. But the American people aren’t that stupid. We elected a man who has done more for this country in a brief two years than two Bushes, a Clinton for 8 years and a fraud for 8 years.