Allow me to make some disclosures as this is an OPED column, and you should know the basis for my opinions. I know a little about everything, a lot about a few things and everything about nothing!

I do know a lot about what I did for almost three decade as an FBI Criminal Agent. I participated in numerous, high profile criminal investigations from all angles. I drew up legal documents for arrest, search, seizure and Title 3 warrants. I participated in all aspects of the related investigations — surveillance, interviews, arrests, searching, seizing, Title 3 monitoring, testifying, reporting…you name it!

I have never met Roger Stone. I only know what I have read about the case and indictment, but my opinion is based upon, to some extent, what is said and how it is stated in the indictment. If you know how it works, you can deduce a great deal just from the “wording”.

In my opinion, some of what is spelled out in the indictment came from wiretap(s) information. The only wiretap that Mueller used on this case is, or originated from, the Carter Page FISA warrant. There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the Carter Page FISA wiretap will be judged illegal when it is challenged in any court! The Probable Cause, PC, is founded on a Dossier that the Director of the FBI, himself, said is “Unverified and salacious” on National Television in January 2017. If it was “unverified and salacious” in January 2017, it was the same when Comey, Yates, and all the others signed the FISA documents. It is not possible for the phony PC to be able to pass the test of jurisprudence, period. Next, the origination of the PC foundation document, the Dossier, was Hillary Clinton. These facts were intentionally withheld from the FISA Court Applications…I rest my case!!

ANYTHING that Mueller’s team garnished as a result of or from the Page wire will be determined to be fruits of the poison tree and useless. If I were an attorney, I would take Carter Page’s civil suit against Comey, Yates, Strzok, McCabe, Rosenstein et al., on a contingency basis for 5%!

Stone talking to WikiLeaks is not a crime. Stone talking to Julian Assange is not a crime. Stone garnishing opposition information on Hillary Clinton from any source he wants…is not a crime. If it is, somebody had better tell Mueller that Hillary is the one who paid for the Dossier. Apparently, nobody told Mueller?!

It appears that there are no substantive crimes that are charged against Stone. Most of the charges are based upon supposition, innuendo and probability that he must have said or done something illegal because he worked with/for Donald Trump, and talked to somebody Mueller believes to be a criminal.

Stone lying to the FBI that he talked to Assange or lying about what he had for breakfast is as much of a crime as what General Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos or anybody else, who was charged with lying by Mueller, plead to!

Somebody please explain to Mueller that if somebody is associated with Donald Trump, that is not PC of a crime….no matter what Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch or Barack Obama may have told him.

For Christ’s sakes Mueller, GIVE IT UP…a SWAT Team to arrest Roger Stone…really? You are an embarrassment to law enforcement!!!

Bobby …we need to talk… what the FBI is supposed to do is put CRIMINALS in jail….not Martha Stewart, General Flynn, Papadopoulos, et al…for lying to you!

You spent $25-$30 million… for WHAT?

Stone is charged with lying that he maintained records, emails, etc. about the DNC hacking. Hillary Clinton destroyed over 30,000 emails that were under subpoena. Destroying evidence, under subpoena, is a substantive, Felony Crime. Stone destroyed nothing and is charged with lying that he had it…a non-substantive crime, if true. When is Clinton’s indictment due?

What about the equal rights Amendment? Let’s be fair and equitable! Most of the following lied under oath and admitted it: James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, Samantha Powers, and Susan Rice. Let’s clear the books of liars and nail them all. There is much more from Obama’s Administration. Give me a call!

You want Russian Collusion to effect a Presidential Election…Hillary Clinton hired Fusion GPS to do that very Criminal Act! You want paying for DIRT on a Presidential Candidate…Hillary Clinton paid for the Fusion GPS DOSSIER on her opponent, Donald Trump. Didn’t anybody tell you that?

The information that Stone garnered was true. The information Clinton garnered from Fusion GPS that was in the Dossier is …phony. Go get her!